Sunday, December 5, 2010

My PLN- Final Report

Of all the things I have done in this class, this is the one thing that I think will be most helpful to me in the future. Of course, it has been great learning about technology, and reading through my classmates' blogs, but this is something that I will take along with me once I become a teacher,

facebook iconIn my opinion, a PLN can never be complete, there are always more contacts, websites, and helpful people that you will want to add to your PLN. This is something that I think will be continuously expanding.

To start off with, in my PLN I put the basic websites I have used while taking EDM 310. For instance, I have the EDM homepage, a few of my classmates blogs (the ones I think may continue to work on their blog after class is over), my blog,  the alumni blog and I also have my gmail account, for fast access.

My PLN has links to youtube, twitter,  and facebook (which are things that I do log onto and look through on a normal basis.

On my twitter account. I am following a lot of people that have educational blogs, like Dorothy Burt and Wesley Fryer. Both of these websites I have linked on my PLN.

Those are only 2 of the many websites I have found extremely interesting and helpful.

Not only do I have the social networks, I have linked ebooks,com and After doing my podcast on Ebooks, I have taken extra time to explore the topic and it is something I may consider once I become a teacher.
twitter clipart
On top of all of these websites, I have linked the ALEX and ACCESS websites. Since these are also topics talked about in class, I think they they will be very helpful to me in my future career.

Like I said earlier, this is something that has just begun for me. I know that as time goes on, I will continue to ass helpful links and websites to my eductional symbaloo webmix. My PLN will continue to grow, and I will be a continual learner as I get older.

Educational Webmix on Symbaloo

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