Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog Assignment 14

snowflakeInstead of doing a normal blog post this week, we had to read a post off a girl named Yasmine's blog. The post I was assigned to read was a wordle on the book Perfect Image.  Although I have never read the book, by looking at her wordle I can get a sense of what the book is about. To me, this is a great way to use a wordle, especially for children who want to get a sense of a book before they read it.

I also went through her blog and took a look at some of her other posts. I found some of them really interesting. I read a poem that she did on the winter holidays and it was very good. You would have never guessed it came from a 6th grader. I think she is a very talented writer.

After reading her poem, I also decided to read a blog post on her top 5 desserts. Of course this caught my eye becuase I am a dessert girl as well. I was not surprised to find brownies and cheesecake on her list. These are my two favorite things!

I think its wonderful that children like Yasmine are getting the chance to express themselves on their blog. They get to write about all types of things they like and feel, and to me this is very important.

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